91 miles from Lamont to Lander.
I woke up this morning to blue skies though I wasn't quite sure if I had slept the night through or just woken up from a hour nap since. (it was daylight when I went to bed)
We got a early start to beat the wind.
We motored out the first 33 miles to Jeffery City. Jeffrey was a uranium boom town in the 60's with 5,000 people calling it home at one point. By 1986 the optimism wore off, the mine company changed owners and the families fled. 50 people call the city home now. Ghost town to say the least.
We caught a quick lunch and watched a bit of pawn stars in the Split Rock Cafe (super friendly btw). A rancher by the name of Charlie was waiting on a phone call and enjoying a few cold ones while he waited. He had his border collie "Sleepy" with him, man oh man did,that pup make me miss my Dutch man. Sigh.... I hope he knows I love him and didn't just dump him.
We hit the road yet again but this time a strong wind from the west joined us. We earned the remaining 58 miles. There were 2 nice down hills that I had to drop to my middle ring and down shift to stay moving. Not so much fun to ride in but stayed happy and positive despite the gusts.
Lander rewarded us for our perseverance with a very nice indoor public pool. A shower, dip in the pool, and splash in the hot tub had me feeling like a new man.
The Lander Bar was recommended to us twice for dinner so we checked it out. Good food and local beer = happy Thomas.
Camping tonight at the city park. Very nice place, though I'm a little worried about midnight sprinkler attacks.
Wyoming rocks, though windy it is very beautiful and the people are very nice.
Sleeeeeeeeepy T.
I woke up this morning to blue skies though I wasn't quite sure if I had slept the night through or just woken up from a hour nap since. (it was daylight when I went to bed)
We got a early start to beat the wind.
We motored out the first 33 miles to Jeffery City. Jeffrey was a uranium boom town in the 60's with 5,000 people calling it home at one point. By 1986 the optimism wore off, the mine company changed owners and the families fled. 50 people call the city home now. Ghost town to say the least.
We caught a quick lunch and watched a bit of pawn stars in the Split Rock Cafe (super friendly btw). A rancher by the name of Charlie was waiting on a phone call and enjoying a few cold ones while he waited. He had his border collie "Sleepy" with him, man oh man did,that pup make me miss my Dutch man. Sigh.... I hope he knows I love him and didn't just dump him.
We hit the road yet again but this time a strong wind from the west joined us. We earned the remaining 58 miles. There were 2 nice down hills that I had to drop to my middle ring and down shift to stay moving. Not so much fun to ride in but stayed happy and positive despite the gusts.
Lander rewarded us for our perseverance with a very nice indoor public pool. A shower, dip in the pool, and splash in the hot tub had me feeling like a new man.
The Lander Bar was recommended to us twice for dinner so we checked it out. Good food and local beer = happy Thomas.
Camping tonight at the city park. Very nice place, though I'm a little worried about midnight sprinkler attacks.
Wyoming rocks, though windy it is very beautiful and the people are very nice.
Sleeeeeeeeepy T.
dude, you literally predicted the sprinkler attacks, i don't know why i didn't take this danger more seriously. who knewwww.