To whom it may concern,
I will be departing in less than a month for my cross county voyage by bike. I am in the final steps of preparation which includes deciding what will gear will make the final cut and the all important decision of what jerseys I want to wear for three months.
I know that it may seem crazy to some that I want to ride my bike some 4000 odd miles but it is something I have wanted to do for years. I remember the first time I saw a person on a fully loaded touring bike pedaling methodically along a rolling road in Pulaski County. I was young, how young I do not remember, but young enough to press my face against the car window to get a better look at this new sight. He was a older man riding what I now know to be the home stretch of bike route 76. Judging from his beard, suntan and filthy decal covered bike, I assume he started in Oregon and was heading east. Ever since then I have had a distant dream (that has since become a reality) of seeing this county by bike. Since than day I have realized however that dreams are not quite as distant as I once thought.
In the coming days I will post more info about the route itself, my bike and more about my motivation behind this adventure.